Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dino Zoo Day

They had those crazy animitronic life sized dinos at the zoo. They placed them in a woodsy cool area to give you an idea of how they lived and nested with their meat eating babies. We had a great time running around and listening to their loud chirps and roars. Jack who had a ruff time at the OMSI dino exhibit was a brave boy agreeing to see the zoo dinos but mostly being terrified of them. aaawwe Bij and I tried to do stunts like putting our hands in their mouths and hugging them but he was untrusting and cautious. I am proud when they give it a go but follow their guts! Which is perfect because had they been real we would have been quick little snack dogs for them!

1 comment:

marba said...

yeah!!! what do bijou and jackson do is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo mb