Wednesday, September 10, 2008


We just got back from our final family camp-out for the summer! It was our favorite so far and we vowed to go back next year. The Paxton fam were camping next door so we all had our friends to adventure with. We swam in the Smith River everyday... this was Bijou's fav... the water was gorgeous and there were eagles soaring overhead. We had towering old growth everywhere and were treated to a super incredible hike amongst the oldest of these... that were the size of houses! There is a special peace that comes when you stand amid these giants. My favorite was laying in the tent with the rain cover off so you can look up at the canopy and at night at the stars. Such a great trip!

First Day of 2nd Grade!

This young lady got up before the clock, picked out her own outfit, and did her very own super hairstyle! I was jealous!
Jack wanted to wear his spidy swim shirt to his first day back at Pre-K and was happily
running around the house shooting webs the whole morning.

Monday, September 1, 2008


Pita the pygora is acclimating to his new home very nicely and is a big sweety! His bunkmate and new pal Leroy is the nicest and most mellow mini horse around! A perfect fit I think!

Oregon State Fair Time!

We had a super time at fair this year! We got to see the usual barns full of cattle, pigs, goats, llamas, giant horses, and crazy chickens. There were master gardeners, cake decorators, crafters, farmers, bee keepers, and a whole area of green technology. Pretty cool if you like this sort of thing... which I DO! The kids had a blast going on rides and rock climbing while mom and I trekked the booths. We found a delish BBQ stand run by a pig farmer who toutes his hormone free, antibiotic free, free range pig as the best in Oregon. We loved the carnitas with fresh pico and cilantro! We also found a wonderful treasure.. a pie stand with the winning pies! They were great with coffee!