Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Bath Time With Calvin!

We had a great time visiting our lovies, Leia, Calvin, and Luis. We had delish BBQ turkey burgers followed by the best bathy time. Leia and I were freaking out that it wasn't that long ago that all of us and sybs were thrown in to bubbly tubs together too! Bijou is Calvin's other mama.. and want's to carry him everywhere. They had a wonderful time, then were thrown into fresh jammies and ploped into leia's fluffy bed in front of Robin Hood and Mary Poppins. LOVE
Monday, May 7, 2007
Birthday boy!!!

Jackson had a super fun time celebrating his big boy 3rd birthday!!!
He got to have a yummy din-din and play time at Peanut Butter and Ellies with his pals Odin and Evan! He then had not one but 2 family birthdays with BBQ's and Nana's amazing dino cake where Jack was riding the brontosaurus! We are so proud of our big kid!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Trip to Fubonn!

The kids and I went to Fubonn today with Nana and Hunter. We are planning a sushi party for Cassie's birthday. The kids were immediately stimulated by everything surrounding them wanting to touch, smell, and throw random goods off the shelf. Jackson especially liked grabbing glass jars with mystery items in it and saying, "ewww!" Hunter disappeared right away only to reapear with some crazy fish eye stew or fresh quail eggs. Bijou was confused as to what a treat was. She wanted the hello kitty rice maker bad... Nana was the one who was tortured the most by Hunter dangling strange things and chasing her... then trying to force her to eat his pork filled bean bau that had a cooked egg in it. I think she was overwhelmed by the whole trip and settled on buying the only thing she found with a parrot on the package... seasoning.
I filled up the kart with sushi goods, nori, chopsticks, lemon wafers, ginger candy, treats for friends, and undone noodles. What a dangerous store....
Friday, February 9, 2007
Here is the boy visiting some goats!! We are planning on adopting a pair really soon.
Robin is letting us have the goats at her new place! She has a sweet sweet house with two glorious goatly acres. Plenty of room for them to run and run and eat and run.
Robin is letting us have the goats at her new place! She has a sweet sweet house with two glorious goatly acres. Plenty of room for them to run and run and eat and run.
Charlie Cheeks-makian
Bijou and Jackson were pros when they got to help watch Mr. Charlie. Bijou went immediately to the play room and got an arsenal of babysitting tools from the mini play pen to her dolly's binky. She was so careful and cute holding Charlie. She sat up stiff as a board afraid to let him roll to the side. Charlie had fun watching their bath time chaos, the fire place, and even a bit of Madagascar's Reggae Limmers. Jackson was very gentle with "baby Chawee", he loved holding his little hand and giggling at him mostly. All in all it was a good view into the world of 3 kids! I don't know how any one does it! We love baby Chawee
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Jackson and Louie
Jackson and I got to go over and visit with big boy Calvin yesterday! A whole new boy! Not the new infant he was, curled up in his snugly, but a grown baby boy! He has the biggest smile, dimple chin, and gorgeous eyes! He is so bright and sweet and connecting. Jackson was very interested in checking out his old swing and play mat...He pointed proudly and looked them over like old friends.
Jackson was weary of sweet Louis their dog who just wiggles and licks. Louis wanted a play mate but Jack was having none of that! He would climb up in my lap and then try to scale my head. He finally found the magic phrase, "Louis outside!?" We are trying to acclimate them both to friend's pups so that they aren't so irked. I realize it's a direct result of our dumb neighbor's dog. Friendly humans but their weimeramer (sp?) is a crazy guard dog and barks viciously along the fence at them still, after 3 years! Our friend's dog Thrasher , bless his heart, behaved more like his name too. Charging us when we went over to their house for a visit. So the kids are over it.
They are going to need more of Sweet Lou's therapy. Just like Grandpa and Karen's dog, Page, they just love them to death.
Jackson was weary of sweet Louis their dog who just wiggles and licks. Louis wanted a play mate but Jack was having none of that! He would climb up in my lap and then try to scale my head. He finally found the magic phrase, "Louis outside!?" We are trying to acclimate them both to friend's pups so that they aren't so irked. I realize it's a direct result of our dumb neighbor's dog. Friendly humans but their weimeramer (sp?) is a crazy guard dog and barks viciously along the fence at them still, after 3 years! Our friend's dog Thrasher , bless his heart, behaved more like his name too. Charging us when we went over to their house for a visit. So the kids are over it.
They are going to need more of Sweet Lou's therapy. Just like Grandpa and Karen's dog, Page, they just love them to death.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Baby Fonana
We got to meet Baby Fiona last week! Also known as Fi, Fee Fee Addi, Gee, and as Jackson says, "Baby Fonana is so cute!!!" We are so proud of new parents Ariel and Ryan who have happily embrace baby land. A wondrous land of burps, feedings, crazy poops, dyno, raptor, or eaglet noises, love, love, and love!
As a side note we are dieing to see Fiona's best friend, Calvin... who is now a big boy and is already enrolled in soccer this spring! Rumor has it, this kid has the best smile in P-town and does it constantly.... LOVEY BOY!
Posadas and Pinatas

After a 'fam gone wild' at the airport with projectile barfing , and Tim bracing Bij in the airplane bathroom while we landed, we arrived as a motley crew from Oreeegon. All of us feverish and fluish we greatfully checked into a hotel and dipped each smelly babe into a warm bubble bath, then into jammies, and bed.
Tim's Grandma moved here fifty some years ago from Mexico City and has lived in the same little house in Marina Del Rey ever since. She raised all six kids in that house, lost her husband, and has had the same Christmas and posadas every year. Besides the new frightining glass tower high rises surrounding the neighborhood it is very sweet and normal, like home.
The family, especially aunt or "teacher Stella", is making this year super special because Bijou and Jackson are the only kids in the family right now and so they are all excited to show us a true Delgado Christmas.
Posadas is where half the family grabs little lanterns and a statue of Mary and Joseph and donkey and palmtree and they go to each door of the house and sing sweet spanish songs about how they have traveled far and need a place to stay. The other half of the family stays inside and sings songs turning them away until finally the last verse they are let in. Then Bijou got to place the baby Jesus in his manger, which she did quickly and rather threw him in.... So she went back to tuck the ceramic infant in so he would stay warm. I don't know if it was the warmth of the candel lit lamps, the sweet singing, the family, or the LA winter but it was just lovely.
Following Posadas was the exciting pinata. A huge traditional one and the oldest cousins got to climb up on the roofs and hold the ropes. A position I could tell meant more then one would think. After the kids gave it their best the woman giggled and got up there, hiking up skirts and posing like a baseball player. Their Aunt Kathy, high school principal, gave it a serious thrashing. It was grrreat!
After the pinata it was feasting and presents and Christmas carols sung to Aunt Tampson's violin. It left us all with a warm glow in our hearts and a sense of re-newed tradition in my spirit. Baby Jesus tucked warmly in his manger, Mary and Joseph got a stable to sleep in, and a family carried on the tradition of many families before. It was a treat and a treasure that I will always remember.
Fwosty the snow man!!
We just had 2 incredible snow days at home. An opportunity to relax, play in the snow, clean the dirty dust bunnies in the corner, watch weird kid movies like "Eloise", knit, burn fire logs, and drink to much coffee. Bijou's favorite part of snow day was having her neighbor friend Mary over to play. This provided me with some time to myself while the girls played and Jack Jack followed all around the back yard snow land. The first activity they tackled was to make an ice rink out of the crusty old pool. Which they did brilliantly, packing in snow around the outside and making little steps. I am talking about a smallish hard shelled kid pool here....
The second day was when Jackson came running in and yelling, "Fwosty Mom!!! We made Fwosty" and there he was...fwosty the tiniest snow man in the world at 8 inches high. They had put two yard long sticks in the sides for arms and mini pine cones for eyes and a nose. The topper was Jacks own hat and mittens (the only ones he'll keep on). Ahh Fwosty was pretty darn handsom.
The second day was when Jackson came running in and yelling, "Fwosty Mom!!! We made Fwosty" and there he was...fwosty the tiniest snow man in the world at 8 inches high. They had put two yard long sticks in the sides for arms and mini pine cones for eyes and a nose. The topper was Jacks own hat and mittens (the only ones he'll keep on). Ahh Fwosty was pretty darn handsom.
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